Draaimolen2023 (11)

On this page we have compiled information that may be helpful if you are planning to visit Draaimolen X Cabin Fever. If any information is still unclear or you have other questions, please email us at info@draaimolen.nu.

When will Draaimolen X Cabin Fever take place?

Draaimolen X Cabin Fever will take place on Saturday, June 15th.

Where will Draaimolen X Cabin Fever take place?

Draaimolen X Cabin Fever takes place at Fold in London. The address is gillian house, Stephenson St, London E16, United Kingdom

What are the opening hours for Draaimolen X Cabin Fever?

Draaimolen X Cabin Fever opens at 22:00h BST and closes at 07:00h BST.

When and where to buy tickets?

Tickets can be bought via the link that will open by clicking this text. The ticket sale starts on April 11.