On this page we have compiled information about frequently asked questions. This includes new information as well as information from the other pages. If anything is still unclear or you have other questions, please email us at info@draaimolen.nu.

Angelina Nikolayeva Day2 016

Practical info

When will Draaimolen Festival 2024 take place?

Draaimolen Festival 2024 will take place on Friday, September 6th and Saturday, September 7th.

Where will Draaimolen Festival 2024 take place?

Draaimolen Festival takes place on the MOB Complex in Tilburg. The address of the MOB Complex is IJpelareweg 55, 5048 TA  Tilburg, The Netherlands.

What are the opening hours for Draaimolen Festival?

On both Friday and Saturday, our beloved festival site opens at 12:00h CET and closes at 00:30h CET.

How do I pay at the festival?

You can get tokens at token counters, where you can either pay by card or cash.

Note: We accept credit cards but the counters will charge you extra. 

Will there be lockers on the festival site?

Lockers will be available. We provide small and large lockers. 

    • Small: 23 x 28 cm for €9,50
    • Large: 37 x 28 cm for €13,50

You can pre order your locker via https://draaimolen.eventsafe.eu

Will there be food on the festival site?

There will be food available, we always make sure there are sufficient vegetarian and vegan options available. For specific dietary questions, you can always reach us at info@draaimolen.nu

Can I bring my own food and drinks?

Own food and drinks are not allowed on the festival grounds. If you have a special diet, please make sure your food is in its own packaging and that you have informed us in advance via info@draaimolen.nu.

How does the recycle token work?
  • We use a recycling system that makes it easier to recycle plastic. You will receive a recycling token from us upon arrival that you can hand in when ordering your first drink. 
  • When entering the festival site everyone receives a recycle token. This token has no money value.
  • At the bar you can swap the recycle token for a cup.
  • If you lose your cup or recycle token you have to pay 0,5 token extra to receive a new cup.
  • Don’t want to hold your cup anymore? Take your empty cup to a bar and swap it for a new drink or a recycle token.
  • Make sure you don’t lose your cup, otherwise it will cost you a recycle token (0,5 token).

Thank you for recycling with us and keeping the forest clean. 

Can I bring a camera?

To ensure everyone feels as comfortable and free as possible, we’ve decided not to allow cameras into the forest. We believe cameras can be intrusive and may detract from the overall experience on the dance floor.


Where to buy tickets?

Tickets can be bought through our online ticketshop: link.

Which tickets are available for Draaimolen Festival 2024?

Weekend (Friday and Saturday) tickets are available as well as single Friday and Saturday tickets. We also organize an Opening Concert

Friday tickets are still available! Weekend and Saturday tickets are sold out.

Why can’t I download my ticket?

We work with sealed tickets. This means that you will receive your order confirmation including a download for your ticket via email, but you will not be able to download and view your tickets until 48 hours before the event. The main reason we use ‘Sealed Tickets’ is that it’s a safer way to sell and buy tickets and to prevent ticket fraud.

For additional information, visit this website.


What do I do if I can't find my ticket?

You can easily find your tickets by using this search tool.

I have a ticket with someone else's name on it, can I enter the venue with this ticket?

Yes, you can enter using a ticket with someone else’s name on it. We will not check the name on the ticket, but we can check IDs because the event is 18+.

How can I change the email of my order?

Please send an email to tickets@eventix.io with the following information:

  • The name of the event
  • The email address used to purchase the tickets
  • A copy of the bank statement of the transaction
Can I change or cancel the ticket I already have?

It is not possible to change or cancel your ticket.

If you can’t come, you will be able to resell your tickets on a reselling platform like Ticketswap, and make somebody else happy with it.

I added Refund Protection to my order. How do I claim it if I cannot attend the festival?

Every visitor who closes the refund protection will receive a separate email (in addition to the confirmation email from Eventix) with further information from Xcover Booking Refund. A booking protection info block is also displayed on your order page. Through here you can claim your refund.

Lost and found

I found something during Draaimolen Festival.

Please drop this off at one of our bars or staff recognizable by crew clothes.

I lost something during Draaimolen Festival.

Please enter the platform of Ilost.

One day after our events, we bring all found objects to Ilost. Via their platform you can see whether your lost items have been found.

Left anything in your locker?

Visit us at the festival site on Sunday September 8th.

Festival Camping

Where can I find more info on the camping?

Please find all information on our camping via our camping FAQ.



If you live in Tilburg or surroundings, we advise you to come by bike because MOB-Complex is easily accessible this way. Navigate to IJpelareweg 55, Tilburg and you will be directed to where to park your bike.

Going by bike takes around 25 minutes from Tilburg Central Station. From Tilburg Central Station to the festival site there is a marked fast bike route. Signage will be provided. At Tilburg Central Station there will also be staff who can guide you in the right direction.

If you stay at Camping Draaimolen Festival, it is possible to rent a bike via our ticketshop.

Bike storage

On both festival days we’ll have temporary, free bike storage located near our festival site. More info will follow soon!

Shuttle Busses

From 12:00 to 19:00, shuttle buses will run from Tilburg Central Station to the MOB Complex. The pick-up point for the shuttle bus is at Kiss + Ride, Burgemeester Brokxlaan 881, 5041 DJ Tilburg. The return bus departs from the MOB Complex from 21:00 to 01:30. Return tickets cost €10 (excluding service fee) and are not tied to specific times. You can take the bus whenever you want as long as they run. Keep in mind that the last bus leaves at 01:30! Tickets can be purchased at: https://www.partyreizen.com/en/festival/draaimolen-festival-2024-en/ 


Although we prefer you to come by public transportation or bike, the site is easily accessible by car. Please navigate to Swaardvenstraat, Tilburg. Reaching the site you will find traffic signs leading you to where you can park your car. Please note that this is not an official parking lot and there is no surveilance so parking is at your own risk.


You can park your car near the festival site. There will be signs and traffic wardens to direct you. Please note that this is not an official parking lot and there is no surveilance so parking is at your own risk.

Kiss and ride

Near the festival site we have a specially located spot for the kiss and ride.  There will be signs and traffic wardens to direct you. 

Organised bus trips

Together with Partybussen.nl, we are arranging bus trips from different pick-up points throughout The Netherlands and Belgium. For more information about the different boarding points, times and bus tickets, please use the links below: 

Friday: https://www.partybussen.nl/festivals/draaimolen-vrijdag 

Saturday: https://www.partybussen.nl/festivals/draaimolen-zaterdag


There will be a special spot for taxi’s. The taxi point is located at: Lombartsstraat, Tilburg.

Nearby Hotels & Accomodations

Here are a few options for hotels, hostels and campings in Tilburg:

Drug policy

Hard drugs

We follow a zero-tolerance policy regarding any forms of hard drugs entering the festival.

Soft drugs (weed and hashes)

You are allowed to bring consumer amounts of weed or hash to the festival. This means no more than 5 grams per person.

We do not allow pre-rolled joints on the festival site.


You can’t take any form of alcohol onto the festival site yourself, but you can buy drinks at the bar.



If you need to bring medication, please send your necessities to info@draaimolen.nu. We need your name, phone number, medication and something that clarifies this, such as a doctor’s note or medical passport. We will communicate this to our security team at the entrance.


It is possible to pump at our First Aid, they are equiped with a fridge. Please sent us an e-mail in advance to info@draaimolen.nu so we can take this into account. 

Is the festival site easily accessible?

Draaimolen Festival is located in a forest. Therefore, some areas won’t be easily accessible for people with mobility difficulties, but most will be. Feel free to contact info@draaimolen.nu for more information regarding the accessibility of the festival site.

People with mobility difficulties can reach the festival site with the assistance of our traffic guides.

Here you’ll find a map that clarifies specific details about the accesibility of our festival grounds.


Detailed Map A4

Toilets for mobility difficulties

There are a few toilets on the festival site for people with mobility difficulties. These are located at our two largest restrooms and near the first aid. Ask at the first aid where these restrooms are located.

House rules

What are the house rules?

Please take responsibility for the energy you bring. Draaimolen maintains a zero tolerance policy for threats, abuse, discrimination, sexual harassment, physical and/or verbal abuse and other offensive and/or annoying and/or abusive behavior. If you experience any of these situations or other uncomfortable situations, please do not hesitate to ask Draaimolen staff or security for assistance.


If you witness unwanted behavior or hear offensive comments, please be an active bystander by reporting it to Draaimolen staff or security. They will put you through to someone on our social safety team. These are all well-informed people who are aware of our policies and procedures and can offer you help.


Visitors to Draaimolen Festival must be at least 18 years old. For other events, the minimum age can be 21+, depending on what is announced and communicated. The organization of Draaimolen may ask its visitors to show valid identification at any time. Visitors must be in possession of a valid admission ticket.


Draaimolen strongly discourages taking photos or videos with your phone during the festival.  All phone cameras can be covered with a sticker provided by the Draaimolen at the entrance.


Visitors must remain in the designated areas of Draaimolen Festival.


The possession and/or dealing of hard drugs is prohibited at Draaimolen Festival. Any evidence of public use and/or possession will result in confiscation of the drugs and the drugs will be turned over to the police. You may also be required to leave the festival.


The possession and/or use of a small amount (up to 5 grams) of soft drugs for personal use is tolerated, pre-rolled joints are not permitted.


Prescribed medication is permitted only when it’s communicated to the organization prior to the event. This is possible via info@draaimolen.nu.


For safety reasons, Draaimolen will search its visitors and their (hand) bags. Possession of hard drugs, glass, aerosols, plastic bottles, inflatables, lighting objects, cans, fireworks, (fire)weapons or other dangerous/prohibited objects or substances, food, (alcoholic) beverages and pets are not allowed.


Attending Draaimolen Festival is at the visitor’s own risk. Draaimolen does not take responsibility for damage on any grounds whatsoever, resulting directly or indirectly from acts or omissions of Draaimolen, persons in its service, other persons working at the festival, or third parties during or in connection with the stay at the festival, unless the damage is caused by intent or serious fault of Draaimolen. The responsibility of Draaimolen is always limited to the principal sum paid by its insurance.


Visitors must always follow the instructions of the organization and security.


The organization advises visitors to wear ear protection. Earplugs are for sale on the festival grounds.


Wearing a soccer shirt and/or discriminatory or offensive clothing is not allowed. High heels, selfie sticks or backpacks are not allowed on the dance floor.


The organization reserves the right to refuse/deny (further) access to visitors who are inebriated and/or under the influence of drugs.


It is not allowed to urinate outside the designated toilets.


Distribution of promotional material (samples/flyers and the like) is not permitted without writ- ten permission from the organisation of Draaimolen.


It is not allowed to make professional audio or video recordings without prior written permission by the organisation of Draaimolen.


When entering and leaving Draaimolen Festival, visitors should not cause any nuisance to the neighborhood. We like to keep the neighborhood quiet and tidy.


Cups and bottles may not be taken outside.


Visitors who do not comply with the house rules and General Visitor Conditions of Draaimolen will be denied access to the event without the right to a refund of the ticket cost or any charged service and/or other costs.


Draaimolen Festival staff will always have the final say in matters not covered by the house rules.


When visitors purchase a ticket, they automatically grant Draaimolen the right to use any video or photographic material taken at the festival site, free of charge and without notice.


The event may be changed, moved or cancelled. If the event is rescheduled or canceled, everyone in possession of a ticket may receive a refund, without the service costs.


When visitors buy a ticket, they automatically give the right to Draaimolen to use all video or photo material made on the festival terrain, free and without notice.


Upon entering the festival, visitors automatically agree to the house rules.