On this page we have compiled information that may be helpful if you are planning to visit Draaimolen Island X Sustain-Release. If any information is still unclear or you have other questions, please email us at Info@draaimolen.nu.
When will Draaimolen Island x Sustain-Release take place?
Draaimolen Island x Sustain-Release will take place on Saturday, May 18th.
Where will Draaimolen Island x Sustain-Release take place?
Draaimolen Island x Sustain-Release takes place on Experience Island, Baan achter de Plakken 1, Loon op Zand, The Netherlands.
What are the opening hours for Draaimolen Island x Sustain-Release?
Draaimolen Island x Sustain-Release opens at 12:00h CET and closes at 23:00h CET. Gates for entrance close at 15:00 CET so make sure to be on time.
How do I pay at the festival?
You can pay by debit card or cash.
Will there be lockers on the festival site?
Lockers will be available for the price of 8,25 (excl. service costs of 0,75). You can open and close your locker during the event.
- 23 x 28 cm
Will there be food on the festival site?
There will be food available, we always make sure there are sufficient vegetarian and vegan options available. There are also gluten free options available. For specific dietary questions, you can always reach us at info@draaimolen.nu
Can I bring my own food and drinks?
Own food and drinks are not allowed on the festival grounds. If you have a special diet, please make sure your food is in its own packaging and that you have informed us in advance via info@draaimolen.nu.
How does the recycle token work?
- We use a recycling system that makes it easier to recycle plastic. You will receive a recycling token from us upon arrival that you can turn in when ordering your first drink.
- When entering the festival site everyone receives a recycle token. This token has no money value.
- At the bar you can swap the recycle token for a cup.
- If you lose your cup or recycle token you have to pay 0,5 token extra to receive a new cup.
- Don’t want to hold your cup anymore? Take your empty cup to a bar and swap it for a new drink or a recycle token.
- Make sure you don’t lose your cup, otherwise it will cost you a recycle token (0,5 token).
Where to buy tickets?
Tickets for this event are sold out. Please consult Ticketswap for second hand tickets.
Which tickets are available for Draaimolen Island x Sustain-Release?
Regular ticket: €39,- (all prices excl. serv. fee)
Why can’t I download my ticket?
We work with sealed tickets. This means that you will receive your order confirmation including a download for your ticket via email, but you will not be able to download and view your tickets until 24 hours before the event. The main reason we use ‘Sealed Tickets’ is that it’s a safer way to sell and buy tickets and to prevent ticket fraud.
For additional information, visit www.eventix.nl/closedloopticketing
What are sealed tickets and how do they work?
We work with sealed tickets. This means that you will receive your order confirmation including a download for your ticket via email, but you will not be able to download and view your tickets until 24 hours before the event. The main reason we use ‘Sealed Tickets’ is that it’s a safer way to sell and buy tickets and to prevent ticket fraud.
For additional information, visit www.eventix.nl/closedloopticketing
I have a ticket with someone else's name on it, can I enter the venue with this ticket?
Yes, you can enter using a ticket with someone else’s name on it. We will not check the name on the ticket, but we will check IDs because the event is 21+.
Can I change or cancel the ticket I already have?
- It is not possible to change or cancel your ticket.
- If you can’t come, you will be able to resell your tickets on a reselling platform like Ticketswap, and make somebody else happy with it.